**Contest closed!**
Yeah, so as you can see, I can be a little behind. Well, I think in honor of my third blirthday (ha ha, clever, right?! I mean anyone can have a blogiversary, but a BLIRTHDAY? Now that's something special!) we're gonna have us a GIVEAWAY over here! That's right, folks! The time has come for me to reward you all for sticking by me and my fashionably late ways. You, who have been there from the beginning. YOU, who I've picked up along the way. YOU, who stalk me and never say a word...(that's right, I know you're out there)...It's time to be seen and play along because I have something seriously fun to give out today!
Have you heard of My Memories? Well, I think it's high time you learned about them because they are seriously AWESOME! They are so AWESOME, in fact, that they have given me a free copy of their digital scrapbooking software, and and additional copy for me to
Blah blah, you say? I've seen it all before you say? I have my OWN digital scrapbooking software you say?!?! Well, don't be so quick to judge. Because I had NO IDEA just how amazing this program was until I downloaded it and played with it myself.

As some of you know, I used to LOVE to scrapbook. LOVE IT. I have all my supplies downstairs gathering dust. I am SO VERY behind it's ridiculous! I think the last thing I actually sat down and scraped was my wedding...which was 8 years ago. So let's just say I've got a lot of work ahead of me. My biggest problem is that I don't have my own space and you and I both know what a PAIN it is to drag everything out just to work on it for a few hours and then have to put it away again so we can actually eat up to the table.
I do have a few extra minutes today while the kids are sleeping, and my chores are done, so I sit up to my computer and BLAMO...
Some beautiful pages that took 15 minutes to put together and I don't have to put all my crap away. And when the time comes to actually get them printed and put into a physical book, My Memories will actually make a professionally bound book for you! (I haven't done one yet, but I think it is happening in the very near future.) If you'd rather just get the whole page printed and add it to your own scrapbook, I know that Costco does it for a fairly low price, but I just heard about another place online that is actually CHEAPER than Costco, if you can believe it! It's called ScrapbooksPlease and they do a FABULOUS job.
Some beautiful pages that took 15 minutes to put together and I don't have to put all my crap away. And when the time comes to actually get them printed and put into a physical book, My Memories will actually make a professionally bound book for you! (I haven't done one yet, but I think it is happening in the very near future.) If you'd rather just get the whole page printed and add it to your own scrapbook, I know that Costco does it for a fairly low price, but I just heard about another place online that is actually CHEAPER than Costco, if you can believe it! It's called ScrapbooksPlease and they do a FABULOUS job.
But say you don't wanna convert to the digital way of scrapbooking. You have your own space and love the way the handmade pages look. That's great! There are a billion other things this amazing software can do! Think of it like the easiest form of Photoshop you'll ever use!
Say you need to make a quick thank you card for everyone who came to your son's birthday party.
Done and done.
Or maybe you're in Young Womens and you need a handout for this week's lesson.
No Sweat.
How about an invitation?
Birth announcement?
Got it covered.
Christmas card?
It's only September and it's done!
Birthday party decorations?
Blog Header?
Heck yeah! Even a blog header!!
The possibilities are endless, people! Endless!
I know you want it, am I right?
Well, my friends, you are in luck because one of you can WIN a FREE COPY of My Memories Suite Digital Scrapbooking Software right here, right now!!! (And by the way, it costs $40, so a free copy is nothing to sneeze at!!) I will draw the winner next MONDAY morning, September 26, 2011.
If you gotta get your hands on it right now,which I completely understand because it is so totally fun, I am giving you a code for
$10.00 off
the purchase of My Memories Suite software...
(which makes it only 30 bucks! WAHOO!!)
and (as if that weren't enough) another
$10.00 off
the purchase of anything else fun from the MyMemories.com Store!
Please let me explain something here. This is pretty awesome because all the paper, elements, alphabets, etc work in Photoshop and GIMP and the like! So uh how awesome is that?!

The special code you wanna use is:
All you gotta do is go visit www.MyMemories.com. and come back here and leave me a comment telling me what your very favorite thing they have on their site. Could be a paper pack, could be a layout, could be a cute picture of a cute baby, heck who knows! I'm easy! Just go check them out and come back and tell me about it!!
Enter as many times as you want by doing one or all of the following:
- You can follow my blog if you wanna. I'm not going to force you, but I do love me some friends. And sometimes it is okay to be a follower. Just leave me a comment letting me know that you are now one of the cool people. Or if you already are one of the cool people, leave me a comment telling me so.
- You could always follow the MyMemories blog. Click here (HERE) and follow them, and then leave me a comment here letting me know that you are super cool for following them as well.
- Leave me a comment telling me just how freaking adorable my kids are because let's be honest, I don't think anyone EVER gets sick of hearing that! Good for an entry.
- Go to MyMemories Suite's facebook page and like them. And come back and leave a comment. And maybe a little Facebook love for them too, if you feel like it.
- Twitter twitter twitter. Here is MyMemories's twitter page. Visit it. Follow them. Tweet. Come back and tell me all about it. Get an entry.
- Tell your friends about this giveaway because seriously it is AWESOME! Tell your friends to tell their friends. Whatever! Facebook about it, blog about it, etc. Come back and tell me how you did it and you'll get an entry.
- Finally, in a comment, tell me who would win in a battle royal match, Diet Mt Dew or Diet Dr. Pepper. Because the ultimate battle of good vs.evil, I fear, is going to come down to this. And I need to know who's side to be on. Thank you. Good for one entry.
That's it! Go forth and comment away! Good luck, I hope you win. No I seriously do!
(I won't tell the others that I'm secretly pulling for you!!)
I will close the comments on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at about 8 pm WYOMING time. (So, you know, like 3:30 the next morning) Oh I kid, I kid. We don't ALWAYS run late...
I will announce the winner Monday Morning!
And remember, if you can't wait, go to http://www.mymemories.com/digital_scrapbooking_software and use THIS CODE: STMMMS80924
and get twenty bucks worth of free stuff.
(I have to say that this code is good only for the purchase of My Memories Suite v2, and is only good for customers in the US and Canada.)

Stop, Stop already I'm a fan!! How awesome it that! I can so relate on the whole getting out the scrapbook stuff only to have to put it away..such a pain!! But look what you have here, I'm lovin' it and as you know I'm already a follower and If I haven't mentioned before, which I'm sure I have, I think your kids are absolutely ADORABLE!!!
I don't do facebook or twitter but please oh please put my name in your drawing I'd love to have a shot at it!!!
Thanks Camie
that is pretty awesome
ps i do follow your blog and your kids are adorable :)
You mean I can be as awesome and crafty as CAMIE RAE?!?! (Okok, this will just give me the tools to be crafty. I'm sure it doesn't magically help my social skillz, WWF knowledge or Angry Bird Cupcake abilitiez). I'm not the super craftiest person on the planet, but this looks PRETTY AWESOME. You had me at Young Women's handouts, mine were always pretty terrible. As in, sometimes they were handwritten and copied (I think YW presidents around the world just felt a disturbance in the force).
So... my favorite thing on their website is the Boho Dress Designer Pack by Dancing Princess Designs. I'm in love.
I totally already follow your blog.
I am now following the MyMemories blog.
I "like" them on Facebook.
You know I love your children and all their awesomeness. I need some babysqueezing thigh time, some "Let's try to figure out what Ian is saying" time, and some "Laugh at what Izacc comes up with and how he says it" time. Because they're 3 of the cutest people on the planet. Not babies, PEOPLE.
Oh, and Diet Mt. Dew would kick Diet Dr. Pepper's TRASH!!!!! With his lid tied behind his back!!!!
That's it. I don't Tweet, and I don't want any more competition. It's mine, MINE, MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
(I haven't gotten much sleep lately)
I think you should just give it to me since I am your favorite cousin. Just sayin. ;)
I am one that really, really REALLY, really, REALLY wants to win this.
*My favorite thing right now on their site is the Hocus Pocus designer pack it is SUPER cute!!
*I am a blog follower of yours
*I am now a follower of the My Memories Blog
*Of course I think your kids are FREAKN' adorable!!! I am so glad you got your girl! It's so fun to at least have one of each (or in my case 3 of 1 and just 1 of the other, but you get the idea ha ha).
*I "liked" their Facebook page
*I posted on my Facebook about this AWESOME giveaway
*Wow a royal match. . .hmm. . .I once upon a time would have said Diet Mt. Dew, but drinks that remind me of urine just freak me out! It's Diet Dr. Pepper all the way!!!
I can't post on Twitter since I don't have an account, but I did EVERYTHING else!!! I am one of those that has been VERY hesitant to switch over to the digital, but after I saw this, you may have just sold me! So, stinkn' cute, WAY FASTER then the other way and you can still have your printed book! If something ever happened to your book you would have a back up you could have printed, how AWESOME is that!
I can't decide between the Sweet Caroline or the Hey Girlfriend Kit! Maybe both!
I am already a follower of your great blog! via GFC
Um I left a comment on your Friday COnfessional telling you how sweet Amelia is. She is so stinking cute and the other comment was unsolicited.!
In a close battle it would be Dt. Mtn Dew over DDP. Only because it is lighter and quicker on its feet!
I hopped on over to mymemories and WOW!!! I want it!!! I love it all!
I am a brand spanking new follower, but I kind of know you IRL-I'm Christine's cousin. Weird who you'll stumble across on www!
You're kids are incredibly cute! Congrats on the new baby!
As for the battle, I don't drink diet...yuck!
Well Cami,
I would certainly like to win this little give away because I've been seriously considering starting to scrapbook since I now have a precious little one who constantly has the camera in her face. So here goes... all the reasons you should add my name lots and lots to the drawing:
*I LOVE the black tie event kit on the website. I've always loved that combination of colors. Hence the reason why they were the colors of our wedding. Black, red, white... LOVE!
*I have your blog listed on my blog so I always see when you post. And now I officially follow your blog. So that should count for 2, right?
*I am now also following the MyMemories blog.
*ummm.... your kids crack me up. I love to hear the stories you post about them, and lets be honest. When I held your little girl for the first time, the only reason why I didn't take her home with me is because I had my own little one on the way. They are SO SUPER cute.
*I have liked their facebook page.
*I've posted about this on facebook, and I even posted on my blog. (I haven't even taken the time to post about life since WAY before baby) So posting in 2 places earns two entries... right?
*As for the battle, I really couldn't tell you. I've never had those. well... I had a sip of Dr. Pepper once. Too long ago to remember. But I'll just say Dr. Pepper to shake things up. That probably doesn't help, But I commented on it, so that earns me another entry. Right?
I guess that's it. I don't twitter, so I can't do that. But I am poor, and can't afford to actually buy it, so maybe pity will earn me another entry? Haha! I'm doing the best I can to get as many entries as possible.
Crossing my Fingers!!!
Love you Cam!
I like the party animal girls template layout on the MyMemories site.
Now following your blog.
Oh, and Dr Pepper would win. No diet about it.
And you're darling children are adorable!!
Ok so here are a million reasons why I should win :) Just going to jump right in here... First of all, I am AWESOME!( half sung in a high pitch voice...) I am your sister in law, which has to count for something! And besides my own daughter your 3 beautiful babies are some of my favourite kids in the world! They are all so cute, sweet, funny and amazing! Love them to pieces and I would say that even if I wasn't trying to suck up to win this dang contest lol. I love you, you are the best sister I could ever hope for. You have helped both spence and I out so much over the years and we love you for it. I will be posting this giveaway on facebook too. And the best reason why I should win is my inability to play games. For example- "meat gone" and "arganot" yeah...need I say more? So my inability there makes you laugh! The end!Oh and also If I win I will scrapbook some way cute pics of you and your family and send you cards ALL THE TIME!
I am showing my support for Ashley Cook. I don't really have an interest in this product myself (NOT a scrapbooker of any kind) but you can add my entries to her total. So here it goes:
~Your kids ARE freaking adorable. I absolutely love how you did your little boys' hair in the blog header.
~I haven't ever had Diet Dr. Pepper or Mtn. Dew at all but Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper is the best thing to happen to the soda world. So it gets my vote. :)
OOOHHHH pick me pick me!!! Of course you have to cutest kids. We have some of the funniest pics of Izacc and Ian making faces at the reunion that we have to get to you, wouldn't it be so much cooler if I was able to send them to you as a scrapbook page hint hint! love you !!!!
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