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I'm From The Country and I Like It That Way

I was born and raised in a small town.
Well, community if you will.

 We didn't have a Walmart or a stoplight.
The grocery store was a good 12 minute drive from our home.

I lived in the same house all my life.  
My Dad raised cows and chickens, I learned to buck bales and brand cattle at a very young age...not that I enjoyed doing it.  
We had to herd them down the road and not let them get into people's yards.
Being stopped by a herd of cattle on the highway is nothing new, by the way.

I went to high school with the same kids I went to Jr. High with, who were the same ones I went to elementary school with.
I was sheltered, naive, and very happy.

We would drag main on Friday nights.

We burned a dummy before Homecoming.

We didn't see the sun from November to May.

We lived through the field from my Gramma, and next door to my aunt and uncle.
My best friend in preschool was my best friend in elementary, jr. high and high school.  We even worked at Subway together.
People would ask who your folks were if they didn't already know.

My dad's high school yearbooks were full of my friends parents.
Everybody knew everybody...and everybody's secrets.
Friday night football games, winter basketball on the radio and Young Womens softball in the summer.

We were small, but we were united.
We had our claims to fame too
Worlds Largest Elkhorn Arch, Intermittent Springs, and Rulon Gardner.
Hometown pride.
It's my heritage, it's my past, it's who I am and where I came from.
It's small and secluded and cold and the most beautiful place on Earth
And I wouldn't change any of it, even if I could.