Yo. Hows it goin? Yeah I'm good, thanks. Let's begin shall we?
- I have been doing transcription work.
- Quite a bit of transcription work.
- And I'm trying desperately to get done.
- I think it's due, what, tomorrow?
- I have 19 minutes left.
- Should be able to knock it out of the park in no time.
- SHOULD be able
- I'm getting pretty quick.
- But I can only work when the kids are asleep
- which has been a few hours in the afternoon and a couple at night.
- But it seems my children's naps are getting shorter and staggered.
- One goes down.
- Then the other.
- Then I work for MAYBE 5 minutes.
- Then first one wakes up
- wants to be held
- does NOT want to be in playpen
- so we play and hang out for a while.
- Kid seems tired, so back to bed
- moment of peace which usually finds me in the bathroom
- second babe awakes
- and its all over.
- needless to say I've had this particular project for well over a month.
- bah whatever.
- I'm almost done!
- Let's do the happy dance!
- It was a lot shorter than some projects I've had.
- I once did one that was 424 minutes.
- 424
- I wish I had a nickle for every minute I listened to that old man talk.
- I'd have a crapload of nickles.
- Luckily, I get a little more that a nickle per minute.
- Or else the pile of laundry, the sink full of dishes,
- the sad neglected kids who are tired of watching Spongebob and eating off the floor*
- would almost be not make it worth it.
- Whatever, it's not worth it, who am I kidding.
- But every little bit helps.
- Even if they are only nickles.
*Just for clarification, I do not in any way advocate using the television, especially Spongebob as a babysitter! That's just what happened today. Don't judge me, I'm on a deadline here!!!! And they eat off the floor by choice...
Now go play!