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September 16, 2009

Someone's In The Kitchen

What the heck is this you ask?
Well, you see, it has something to do with this:

and this:That's right. I'm trying to be a little healthier and fool myself my child into eating vegetables. Above is a picture of my very own pureed carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and sweet potato.

There is cauliflower in the mac and cheese.

It was actually delicious.

I love this book! The recipes are fun, some are really really good, some not so much. But they give me a good platform to expound on and with a few alterations, they've all turned out yummy.

Just don't smell what you're cooking because it, um, well, ain't pretty.

There is a recipe for brownies with spinach in them.

I am a little nervous to try it as Brownies are my one true love and I would hate to taint their sacred name...

You have to serve them cold to avoid tasting the spinach...

I'll let you know how they turn out...


Jennifer said...

That sounds like a great book...but as strange as it seems. I need it to trick my husband. He's the one who wont eat his veggies. My kids love them!! and believe it or not their favorite veggie is Broccoli! How did I get so lucky? :-)

Fawsons said...

I have had spinach brownies before and it was Yuck! Somethings just arn't meant to have veggies in them! Some of the other people thought there were okay though...Good luck! :)

Fawsons said...

yuck! don't try the brownies, it's a trick :)

Brooke said...

I love that book too. I don't have it, but I have a friend who does and she loved the french toast with sweet potatoes??? I think that's what it was. Delish! Send me some brownies - I would eat them - remember I'm a crazy spinach eating fool.

Story. . . yesterday, I was making my morning "green monster" and it was looking good. . . lots of spinach, blueberries, yogurt. . . Mmmmmm. Ashie was having a bad day and so I had her sitting on the counter next to me while I was making it. . . (mistake number 1) I took the lid off to add just a few more ice cubes and . . . yep, you guessed it. She pushed the ON button on the blender. Picture two cups finely ground spinach and a cup of blueberries. . . all over my kitchen. It was beautiful. I'm usually the type that takes a picture of moments like that, but. . . I just screamed instead. I'm a bad mom. Lesson learned.

Fawsons said... I came back to comment becuase I couldn't get it to post yesterday...I guess it did work :) so this makes 3 comments from me now :)

Lisa said...

I have that cook book! I need to pull it out again, thanks for reminding me :) and I did make the brownies for all of Jake's family and didn't tell anyone till after! and then they were discusted but didn't complain till then (they are a little dryer though...)