Whoo-hoo! I am really excited to be almost done. Not that I haven't enjoyed being pregnant, but man oh man am I about really to be done.
Oh an PS have I mentioned that I am not 100% that it's a boy floating around in there? Yeah, I'm not. It is just such a different experience from last time! I know, I know, there was a little wiener on the sonogram picture, but I had a dream that it was just the cord. Not to mention...
I had a little, if any, morning sickness.
I craved Mexican food and chilli dogs.
And all things sweet, especially chocolate, gave me heartburn.
I gained a whopping 60 lbs.
I carried him low and I have the amazing stretch marks to proove it.
I got wider, like a lot wider. He was all tucked inside.
I was SO stinkin sick! All day long. It was awful.
I have craved nothing but sweets, like gummies and
Dr Pepper and, believe it or not, Chocolate...and a lot of it. Wow.
With this one, so far, I'm not even up to 20 lbs yet.
I am carrying this one super super high. So high in fact that my ribs have popped out. (More on that little wonder to come...)
This one is all out in front. I mean ALL OUT in front.

Not to mention I just don't "feel" like it's a boy in there.
I don't know. I will take whatever I can get, don't get me wrong, but, well, we'll just see come D-DAY what comes out!

PS: How long is my hair! I am so excited! It's about time!